
Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also known as blood sugar, is too high. Blood glucose is your primary source of energy, which comes from the foods you eat. Insulin, a pancreatic hormone, aids in the transport of glucose from food into your cells for use as energy. Sometimes your body does not produce enough or any insulin or does not use insulin effectively. As a result, glucose remains in your blood and does not reach your cells.

Main cause of diabetes over time, having too much glucose in your blood can cause health problems. Although it is said there is no cure for diabetes, you can take steps to manage and reverse it and stay healthy. We have cured thousands of patients who have successfully reversed Diabetes.

Diabetes is sometimes referred to as "a touch of sugar" or "borderline diabetes." These terms imply that someone does not have diabetes or has a milder case, but every case of diabetes is serious.

Diabetes disease affects nearly everyone; over 422 million people worldwide have diabetes, and this number is expected to rise as a result of a stressful lifestyle.

Main Symptoms of Diabetes in the Starting

The main cause of diabetes warning signs can be so subtle that you miss them. This is especially true for those suffering from type 2 diabetes. Some people are unaware they have it until they experience long-term consequences of the disease. Type 1 diabetes symptoms usually appear quickly, within a few days or weeks. They're also much more severe.

Early Signs of Diabetes Disease

  • Some of the warning signs for both types of diabetes are the same. • Hunger and exhaustion The food you eat is converted by your body into glucose, which your cells use for energy. Your cells, on the other hand, require insulin to absorb glucose. If your body does not produce enough or any insulin, or if your cells resist the insulin produced by your body, glucose cannot enter your cells and you have no energy. This can make you feel hungrier and more tired than usual.
  • More frequent urination and thirst. The average person needs to pee four to seven times per day, but people with diabetes may need to pee much more frequently. Why? Normally, as glucose passes through your kidneys, your body reabsorbs it. When you have diabetes, your kidneys may not be able to bring all of your blood sugar back in. This causes the body to produce more urine, which consumes fluids. As a result, you'll need to go more often.. You might also pee more. You may become dehydrated as a result of your frequent peeing.
  • Itchy skin and a dry mouth. Because your body is using fluids to produce pee, there is less moisture available for other purposes. You may become dehydrated and experience dry mouth. Dry skin can cause itchy skin.
  • Distorted vision. Fluid changes in your body may cause the lenses in your eyes to swell. They change shape and are unable to concentrate.

Diabetes Type 2 Symptoms

These usually appear after your glucose level has been elevated for an extended period of time.

  • Candida infections Diabetes disease can affect both men and women. Yeast feeds on glucose, so having plenty on hand encourages it to thrive. Infections can thrive in any warm, moist fold of skin, such as:
  • Between the fingers and toes
  • Under the breasts
  • In or near sex organs
  • Slow-healing cuts or sores High blood sugar levels can impair blood flow and cause nerve damage, making it difficult for your body to heal wounds.
  • Foot or leg numbness or pain. This is yet another symptom of nerve damage.

Diabetes Type 1 Symptoms

You may notice:

  • Unintentional weight loss. If your body cannot obtain energy from food, it will begin to burn muscle and fat for energy instead. You may lose weight despite not changing your eating habits. Find out which foods are high in trans fats.
  • Vomiting and nausea When your body burns fat, it produces ketones. These can accumulate in your blood to dangerous levels, resulting in diabetic ketoacidosis, a potentially fatal condition. Ketones have the potential to make you feel sick to your stomach. 

Symptoms of Gestational Diabetes

High blood sugar levels during pregnancy usually do not cause any symptoms. You may feel thirstier than usual or need to pee more frequently.

Diabetes Complications Warning Signs

Complications of type 2 diabetes may include:

  • Slow-healing sores or cuts
  • Itchy skin (usually around the vaginal or groin area)
  • Frequent yeast infections
  • Acanthosis nigricans refers to velvety, dark skin changes on the neck, armpit, and groin.
  • Hand and foot numbness and tingling
  • Low vision
  • Impotence or erectile dysfunction (ED)

Discover what you can do to reduce your risk of diabetes complications and the best treatment of Diabetes. Call one of our heath counsellors and they will help you reverse your diabetes. CALL NOW XXXXXXXXX.

What are the different types of diabetes?

Diabetes has three types: type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes information

Your body does not produce insulin if you have type 1 diabetes. Your immune system attacks and destroys insulin-producing cells in your pancreas. Type 1 diabetes is most commonly diagnosed in children and young adults, but it can occur at any age. To stay alive, people with type 1 diabetes must take insulin every day.

Type 2 diabetes information

Your body does not produce or use insulin well if you have type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes can strike at any age, including childhood. This type of diabetes, however, is more common in middle-aged and older people. The most common type of diabetes is type 2.

Main symptoms and Cause of gestational diabetes

During pregnancy, some women develop symptoms of gestational diabetes. After the baby is born, this type of diabetes usually goes away. You are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes later in life if you have had gestational diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is sometimes diagnosed during pregnancy.

What is good food for diabetes and best treatment of diabetes?

Diabetes does not have its own diet. However, the foods you eat have an impact not only on how you manage your diabetes, but also on how well you feel and how much energy you have. This information will assist you in becoming acquainted with the five major food groups that comprise a healthy, balanced diet.

How much you need to eat and drink depends on your age, gender, level of activity, and goals. However, no single food contains all of the essential nutrients your body requires. That is why a healthy diet is all about variety and eating foods from each of the major food groups on a daily basis.

And by balanced, we mean eating more of some foods and less of others. However, portion sizes have increased in recent years as our plates and bowls have become larger. Furthermore, larger portions can make weight management more difficult. We have more information about maintaining a healthy weight for you.

We've highlighted the benefits of each food group below - some help protect your heart, while others affect your blood sugar levels more slowly - all of which are extremely important for you to be aware of. Learn about them and how making healthy choices can help you lower your risk of diabetes complications.

What are the five major food groups?

  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Starchy foods such as bread, pasta, and rice
  • Protein foods such as beans, pulses, nuts, eggs, meat, and fish
  • Dairy Alternatives
  • Spreads and oils

Vegetables and fruits

Having diabetes does not preclude you from eating fruit. Fruits and vegetables are low in calories while being high in vitamins, minerals, and fibre. They also add flavour and variety to any meal.

Fresh, frozen, dried, and canned foods are all acceptable. To get the most variety of vitamins and minerals, choose a rainbow of colours. Fruit juices and smoothies are high in sugar and low in fibre.

If you're trying to cut back on carbs, you might be tempted to skip fruits and vegetables. It is, however, critical to incorporate them into your diet on a daily basis. You can experiment with lower carb options.

Fruits and vegetables can help protect against stroke, heart disease, high blood pressure, and some cancers, and diabetics are more likely to develop these conditions.


  • Assist in the preservation of a healthy digestive system
  • Aid in the prevention of heart disease, stroke, and some cancers.

How frequently?

Everyone should aim for at least five servings of fruits and vegetables per day. A portion is roughly the size of your hand's palm.

Some ideas for experiments

  • Sliced melon or grapefruit with unsweetened yoghurt for breakfast, or a handful of berries, or fresh dates, apricots, or prunes;
  • Green beans, mix carrots, and peas into your pasta bake
  • Add extra peas to rice, spinach to lamb, or onions to chicken.
  • For low-carb fruit, try avocados, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, plums, peaches, and
  • watermelon.
  • For low-carb vegetable options, try mushrooms, cucumber, spinach, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli,
  • Celery, and lettuce.

Starchy foods 

Starchy foods include potatoes, rice, pasta, bread, chapattis, naan, and plantains. They are all high in carbohydrate, which is broken down into glucose and used as fuel by our cells. The problem with some starchy foods is that they can quickly raise blood glucose levels, making diabetes management more difficult. These foods have a high glycemic index (GI), which we have a lot more information about.

There are some better options for starchy foods that have a slower effect on blood glucose levels. Low glycemic index (GI) foods include wholegrain bread, whole-wheat pasta, and basmati, brown, or wild rice. They also contain more fibre, which aids in the proper functioning of your digestive system. So, if you're trying to reduce your carb intake, start with white bread, pasta, and rice.


  • Fibre helps keep your digestive system healthy
  • Some have a slower effect on your blood sugar levels, and Wholegrains help protect your heart. How frequently? Every day, try to eat some starchy foods. Some ideas for experiments
  • Two slices of multigrain toast with a bit of spread and Marmite or peanut butter
  • Brown rice, pasta, or noodles in risottos, salads, or stir-fries 
  • Baked sweet potato with skin left on - add toppings like cottage cheese or beans 
  • Boiled cassava with chilli and lemon 
  • Chapatti made with brown or wholemeal atta

Protein foods

Beans, nuts, pulses, eggs, meat, and fish are high in protein.

Meat and fish are high in protein, which helps to keep your muscles in good shape. A healthy diet, on the other hand, includes less red and processed meat, both of which have been linked to cancer and heart disease. Oily fish, such as mackerel, salmon, and sardines, are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which can help protect the heart.


  • Aids in the maintenance of muscle health
  • Oily fish is beneficial to your heart.

How frequently?

Aim to eat something from this category every day. A minimum of one or two servings of oily fish per week. However, you do not have to eat meat every day.

Examples of what to try

  • As a snack, a small handful of raw nuts and seeds, or chopped with a green salad
  • Using beans and pulses to replace some - or all - of the meat in a casserole
  • Scrambled, poached, dry fried, or boiled eggs are all options.
  • Grilled, roasted, or stir-fried chicken
  • Grilled fish with masala.

Dairy foods and alternatives

Milk, cheese, and yoghurt are high in calcium and protein, which is beneficial to your bones, teeth, and muscles. However, some dairy foods are high in fat, especially saturated fat, so opt for lower-fat alternatives.


for added sugar in low-fat dairy products such as yoghurt. If you want it sweeter, choose unsweetened yoghurt and top with berries. If you prefer a dairy substitute, such as soy milk, look for one that is unsweetened and calcium-fortified.


  • Beneficial to bones and teeth
  • Maintains muscle health How frequently?

Every day, we all require calcium.

Examples of what to try

  • a glass of milk straight, flavoured with cinnamon, or added to porridge 
  • natural or unsweetened yoghurt with fruit or on curry
  • cottage cheese scooped on carrot sticks in the morning 
  • a bowl of breakfast cereal with skimmed or semi-skimmed milk
  • a cheese sandwich with salad for lunch 
  • a refreshing lassi or plain yoghurt with your evening meal

Oils and spreads

We require some fat in our diet, but less saturated fat. This is due to the fact that some saturated fats can raise blood cholesterol levels, increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke. These less healthy alternatives include butter, palm nut oil, and coconut oil. Olive oil, vegetable oil, rapeseed oil, spreads made from these oils, and nut butters are examples of healthier saturated fats.


Unsaturated fats help to protect your heart.

Examples of what to try

  • Drizzle olive oil over your salad. 
  • Peanut butter on wholemeal toast

Foods high in fat, salt and sugar

None of these are required as part of a healthy diet. The less frequently, the better. But, because we know you're going to eat these foods from time to time, it's critical to understand how they might affect your body.

Biscuits, crisps, chocolates, cakes, ice cream, butter, and sugary drinks are examples of these foods. Sugary foods and drinks contain a lot of calories and raise blood sugar levels, so opt for diet, light, or low-calorie alternatives. Water is the best drink to choose because it contains no calories.

They're also high in unhealthy saturated fats, so they're bad for your cholesterol and heart.

They can also be high in salt, especially processed foods. Excess salt can increase your risk of high blood pressure and stroke. You should consume no more than 1 teaspoon (6g) of salt per day.'Diabetic' ice cream and sweets are not recommended. It is now illegal to label any food as diabetic, and there is no evidence that food for diabetics provides any benefits over eating a healthy balanced diet.

Tips for cutting these out

  • Make more home-cooked meals where you can control the amount of salt you use.
  • Examine food labels for green and orange colours. We have more information to help you read labels, and we're working to make things more consistent and less confusing.
  • Unsweetened teas and coffees are better than fruit juices and smoothies because they contain fewer calories and carbs.
  • Ditch the salt shaker; instead, use black pepper, herbs, and spices to enhance the flavour of your food.
  • Making your own sauces from scratch, such as tomato ketchup and tandoori marinades.

How common is diabetes?

More than one-quarter of them were unaware they had the disease. One in every four people over the age of 65 has diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is responsible for 90-95 percent of adult cases.

Who is more likely to develop type 2 diabetes?

If you are 45 or older, have a family history of diabetes, or are overweight, you are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes. Physical inactivity, race, and certain health issues, such as high blood pressure, all influence your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. If you have prediabetes or had gestational diabetes while pregnant, you are also more likely to develop type 2 diabetes. Find out more about the risk factors for type 2 diabetes.

What health problems can diabetics experience?

High blood glucose levels cause problems such as • heart disease • stroke • kidney disease • eye problems • dental disease • nerve damage • foot problems over time.

You can take steps to reduce your chances of developing these diabetes-related health issues. We can assist you in reversing your diabetes. Call us and speak with one of our counselors, who will assist you.



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