Women And Arthritis
2 years ago
Women And Arthritis

Why do more women then men are prone to develop Arthritis ?

Why do more women then men are prone to develop Arthritis ?

Arthritis doesn’t play fair—including how it affects women and men differently. One in four Indian women is living with arthritis, compared to one in seven Indian men. And while nearly 70% of women over age 65 have arthritis, the disease affects them at younger ages too, particularly those with a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and lupus. While a number of factors have been connected to higher rates of arthritis in women, further research needs to be done to better understand the issue. Research suggests

  • Women aged 50 to 60 years may be 3.5 times (350%) more likely to develop hand osteoarthritis than men in the same age group.1
  • Women are 40% more likely to develop knee osteoarthritis than men.2
  • Women are 10% more likely to develop hip osteoarthritis than men.3

Why is there such a difference in prevalence of arthritis in men and women ? There could be three possible reasons

  1. Changes in hormone level  

Hormonal changes can account to the incidence of Osteoarthritis and their levels fluctuate with menstruation cycle and menopause  Increased level of hormones during some phases of menstrual cycle can lead to increased joint laxity which eventually can lead to joint instability and injury and both joint instability and injury are probable to develop into osteoarthritis .Menopause Estrogen levels drop during menopause. This drop may contribute to changes in the body that accelerate the osteoarthritis process.

  1. Difference in Musculoskeletal System 

While women’s bodies have the same joints as men’s, certain musculoskeletal differences exist. These differences alter the way women tend to stand, walk, and run, and how their joint surfaces move in relation to one another (joint articulation). For example, evidence suggests because of anatomical differences, women’s knees experience more wear and tear. Over time, these anatomical differences and the associated joint strain may contribute to the development of osteoarthritis.

     3. Tendency to carry excess weight

        According to  researches women are more likely to be obese or extremely obese than men (40.4% compared to 35%)..Obesity increases the risk of osteoarthritis because: Extra weight puts more stress on    load-bearing joints, such as the hips, knees, and ankles. This stress can lead to damaging friction between the bones of joints. Obesity is associated with low-grade, systemic (body-wide) inflammation. This inflammation may contribute to the development of osteoarthritis in any joint, including non-weight bearing joints in the hands.

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