Weight Mangement
2 years ago
Weight Mangement

Want to Lose Weight Fast? These Science Based Tips Can Help You Lose Weight Sustainably

Want to Lose Weight Fast? These Science Based Tips Can Help You Lose Weight Sustainably

Weight loss is not the answer to every health problem, but if your doctor recommends it, there are tips to help you lose weight safely. A steady weight loss of 4-5 kg per month is recommended for the most effective long-term weight management.

That said, many eating plans designed to help you lose weight leave you feeling hungry or unsatisfied, or they cut out major food groups and are not sustainable. These are major reasons why you might find it hard to stick to a healthier eating plan. Everyone has unique needs and different eating styles and tips may work better for you than someone else. You may find you are able to lose weight by following a low carb diet or a diet that has a focus on whole foods, but there are some general principles that apply when you’re trying to lose weight.

If you want to lose weight quickly, some of these tips may help, but quick weight loss is rarely sustainable. Focusing on long-term health and habits that you can stick with over time will help improve your health and are more likely to result in lasting weight loss.

Cut back on refined carbs:

Reducing refined carbohydrates may help curb your appetite, lower your insulin levels, and help you lose weight.

But the long-term effects of a low carb diet are not yet known. A reduced calorie diet could be more sustainable.

Eat protein, Healthy fats, and vegetables:

Try to assemble each meal with a protein source, healthy fat source, complex carb, and vegetables.

Leafy green vegetables are a great way to bulk up a meal with low calories and lots of nutrients.

Move your body:

Exercise, while not required to lose weight, can help you lose weight more quickly. Lifting weights has particularly good benefits or Choose what’s sustainable for you.

About calories and portion control :

Counting calories isn’t usually needed to lose weight on a low carb eating plan. But if you’re not losing weight or on a reduced calorie eating plan, calorie counting may help.

By reducing carbs or replacing refined carbs with complex carbs, you’ll likely experience reduced hunger levels. Feeling hungry is often why it’s difficult to maintain a weight loss plan, so it’s important to find a way of eating that leaves you feeling satisfied.

By incorporating a sustainable low carb or lower calorie eating plan, you can eat healthy food until you’re full and still lose weight. Losing weight quickly may be your goal, but it’s important to think about the long run. While you may lose water weight quickly, fat loss takes longer, and developing sustainable weight loss may take longer than you’d like.

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